2022年上海葡萄酒展-Prowine shanghai Show

2022 prowine-shanghai 08-10 November 2022

Exhibitors-The World of Wine meets here

As the only international wines and spirits trade fair since the outbreak of COVID-19, ProWine China 2020 drew a successful conclusion on November 12th, 2020. This has been made possible by the effective epidemic control in China, as well as a strict hygiene and safety concept from the organizers and the care and support from the industry. A total of 400 wine producers and distributors from 17 countries and regions contributed to a global showing of wines and spirits. Boutique wineries and premium wine producers from all over the world were present at ProWine China 2020 to get in contact with local producers, importers, distributors and key buyers.

Under strict anti-epidemic measures of the organizers, a total of 22,542 trade visitors attended the 3-day event, an increase of 9.2% compared to the previous edition. In addition to local visitors, many also came from Beijing, Guangdong, Sichuan, Hainan, Shandong, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and Macau.


ProWine Shanghai 2021:中国葡萄酒市场的高需汇聚地

作为在中国大陆地区的葡萄酒与烈酒贸易的龙头展会,ProWine Shanghai 2021于11月11日圆满落下帷幕。在新冠疫情仍未得到完全控制的情况下,ProWine Shanghai 2021仍然能够傲立于行业风向标地位,并如期举办,无疑振奋人心。


Competent visitors

Only trade visitors with special legitimation get access to the trade fair. At ProWine Shanghai you will meet competent visitors only for high-quality business contacts.


Supporting Programme

Tastings, presentations, events – ProWine Shanghai offers countless presentation possibilities for exhibitors.


Exhibitor database

Edit all relevant information about your company, products, events and contact persons easily online and address visitors anytime via www.prowinechina.com as well as the information points in the trade fair halls.

Stand Building

Plan and calculate your trade fair stand online in advance. Our team will provide single components or the complete trade fair stand for you.



葡萄酒: 各种葡萄酒,如天然葡萄酒、配制酒、葡萄蒸馏酒、起泡葡萄酒、特殊酒等

酒类: 各种果酒、保健酒、黄酒、啤酒以及各种饮料等

烈酒: 各种烈酒,如英格兰的威士忌、伏特加酒、中国的白酒以及各种度数的蒸馏酒等

设备: 各种葡萄酒的酿造设备、包装设备、各种实验仪器;各种包装材料、各种标签、瓶盖、各种 葡萄种植、采摘设备以及围绕葡萄种植的相关产品和配套设施等


Services for exhibitors

A wide range of services is offered by CIE to make your appearance at the show a great success.Choose whatever you need, from advertising packages to catering service


Contact Us

China International Exhibitions Ltd.

Add: 8/F, Urban Development International Tower, No. 355 Hong Qiao Road

Xu Hui District, Shanghai China


Contact us

China International Exhibitions Ltd.

Address: 8th floor, chengkai international building, 355 Hongqiao Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
Contact: Ms. Li
Tel:+86-21 18516717850

展会咨询及展位预定:  上海博华国际展览有限公司

李明玉 18516717850(微信同号)

沈加园 15000962264(微信同号)